Terry Miller

The Best Way To Store Coffee Beans
Keeping your beans whole until you are going to make your coffee is a great way to extend the life or freshness of your coffee. We offer grinding your fresh roasted coffee, but recommend keeping them whole bean. This allows the bean to stay whole and intact keeping the freshness intact and air from dissipating the freshness. Never place your coffee into a freezer as it doesn’t keep it fresher and will add moisture to it. Flash freezing is one of the few ways to keep coffee fresh while frozen. This requires special equipment and processes that most people do...
Terry Miller

How long do coffee beans stay fresh?
Coffee beans shelf life is based on various things that affect them. To begin with, coffee beans are picked at certain times. Their color and moisture content is used to determine the ripeness of the bean. Normal moisture levels for most coffee beans when picked is about 30-35%. At this point the seeds will then be hulled. Drying of the coffee will proceed at this time. Once dried, bagged and collected, the coffee will be sent from its location from the mountains to the shipping locations. Usually located in large warehouses where a collection of all the regional coffee is...
Terry Miller

Where Do Our Coffee Beans Come From?
Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters brings you six single origins from around the world. We have Ethiopian, Brazil, Costa Rica, Kenya Guatemala, Colombia and Papua New Guinea coffees always available for you. Our coffees come from Balzac Brothers Importers in Charleston SC. Owned by the Great Granddaughters of the original owners that started the business in 1917! The coffees they provide are top notch, very high in quality, and their Service is impeccable. Their goal is to provide the highest quality, sustainable, green coffee possible. Our Ethiopia GEDEO is a Grade 1 Organic Arabica coffee. It is a washed coffee with...
Terry Miller

Whole Bean, Fine, Medium, Coarse, What is the Real Difference?
When you purchase your coffee you need to decide how you want it ground. This affects the whole process of making your coffee correctly. Whole beans cannot be used for making your coffee in any coffee maker today. We can supply you whole bean coffee and you will need to grind it according to the process you will make it in. The whole bean is self explanatory, not cut or ground. The Coarse grind is the largest grind. Usually about the consistency of Kosher salt, The medium grind is very similar to Sea Salt, and The Fine grind has the...
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