Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters is a coffee roaster located in Canton, Ohio with an online store where you can purchase coffee anywhere across the country. They pride themselves on the quality of the coffee that they source, and their meticulous attention to detail during the roasting process.
Today we will be highlighting Brazil coffee, sourced by the Balzac Brothers from Minas Gerais Brazil. This Dark roast coffee has notes of caramel, hazelnut, and a sweet brown sugary finish. We’re proud to provide premium coffees like these to our customers across the US.
The farm where the coffee is sourced from is a family-owned operation that supports over 35 employees, many of whom grew up near the farm and support the local economy with the wages they earn through the coffee farm.
There are many ways to prepare a great cup of coffee. Common preparations that we’ve heard work well for this type of coffee include Drip, French Roast, Aeropress, Pour Over, and Espresso.
** Freshness Recommendation **
Whole-bean coffee normally maintains its freshness for about two months.
Ground coffee usually is best if used within two to three weeks.
If you’d like to visit us in person, you can find us at 1003 Cherry Ave NE in Canton, Ohio. We’re minutes away from Centennial Plaza - just look for the neon sign as you’re headed north on Cherry St!