
James Warnken
Who Invented Coffee?

Who Invented Coffee?

No one really knows where or how coffee was discovered.  Truth is that coffee can be traced back through the centuries to coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau.  The legends say that a goat herder named Kaldi found the origin of coffee.  He noticed his herd of goats became playful and energetic after eating the berries from certain trees.  He reported this to the abbot of a local monastery.  They made a drink from the berries to see what would happen.  They discovered that drinking this special drink that they would be kept alert for hours into the evening.  They shared this new found drink with other...

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James Warnken
How to Properly Clean your Coffee Maker.

How to Properly Clean your Coffee Maker.

 We use our coffee makers daily.  Unfortunately we don’t clean it as often as needed.  A proper cleaning will help with any health issues, improve your coffee taste, eliminate any buildup that will cause your coffee to taste bitter, and stop the best and mold from forming! This could impact your health and cause an allergic reaction. Cleaning your coffee maker often will help elevate these problems.  Cleaning the cups you use are essential also.  A proper cleaning will eliminate any coffee grounds and oils left behind.  Hand washing the exterior can be done with warm soapy water.  Clean all areas including the warming plate where spills...

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James Warnken
Coffee Smoothie Recipes.

Coffee Smoothie Recipes.

Coffee smoothies are utilized in many ways and contain various ingredients of your choice.  Some are heathy, used for weight loss, or for any purpose to enjoy your coffee. Ingredients may include fruit, nuts, seeds and grains, vegetables or anything you basically desire.  A good coffee is the base for your smoothie.  Having a fresh roasted coffee will enhance your smoothie and add flavor and taste that can only be added through coffee.  Coffee smoothies may be used for weight loss also.         Coffee itself is low in calories, great for potassium, magnesium, rich in antioxidants as well as a headache reliever.  Coffee  also may...

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James Warnken
What is whipped coffee and how is it made?

What is whipped coffee and how is it made?

Whipped coffee or dalalgona coffee is a Korean coffee trend.  Through social media as Tic Tok it has risen in popularity.  It normally consists of a thick layer of fluffy coffee, layered on top of iced milk.  Total ingredients are normally instant coffee, sugar, water and milk.  It has gained popularity during the Coronavirus and became known as the quarantine coffee.         Basic procedures for making the whipped coffee is listed below.  It is often made with variations of this procedure and differs depending on who explains it.  For a simple basic ingredients include: 2 tablespoons of instant coffee 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar 2...

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